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kuman sm5 wifi card problem reset

发表于 2017-5-10 20:20:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 junglew 于 2017-5-10 21:21 编辑

hi  when connect the wifi card by USB cable with  arduino. une smal  lamp blink  led blue and after OFF card off led off total ...camera is ok led green is open..but card wifi OFF...and not possible reset .
not possible this from your manual...............................................(.his from kuman manual not possible)......  

.At the moment of power on, quickly press the Reset button of Wifi board
rapidly and continuously, until the LED light is blinking quickly. Use the Rj4
5 cable to connect Wifi board and PC, then set the local IP as,
run command ‘telnet' in CMD,and run command ‘firstboot’.
2).If the first step is not working, please contact the customer servicer to solve

no possible reset  and   no possible enter in the card with telnet..card wifi is off led..not work

i reset but not reset  (card demage? ) i think is this problem NO REST..because if not reset with button reset
after by rj cable lan pc not recopgnize network
i go in cmd telnet i put ..telenet and i have message  not possible connection by port 23.
my pc is,   network not recognized.

you think is card wifi demage ?    sorry i not undestand when setting mail me if receive answer at my post....
test is traslate but also is in china language :-(
see photo




if you like possible contact me to jollyrogerf14@gmail  for help to resolve this problem..best reg


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-10 20:50:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 junglew 于 2017-5-10 21:17 编辑

What can I still do to recover the wifi card?   please contact me, if lik,e  to

http://s639.photobucket.com/user ... pswi14agdk.jpg.html

http://s639.photobucket.com/user ... psxqajmubm.jpg.html

http://s639.photobucket.com/user ... ps2apf3xux.jpg.html
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发表于 2017-5-11 11:40:25 | 显示全部楼层
In normal working status, press the reset button for 10s,the wifi will reset and reboot automatically.
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发表于 2017-9-16 04:55:51 | 显示全部楼层

I bought a TH robot  two days  ago. The main problem is that its WIFI board does not work and has exactly the same problem as junglew. To me, the WIFI board is weak and does not work. How can I ask to replace from customer service?  To be honest if I can not do it I should give back the product and buy from other vendor.

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